Pre-procedural Instructions
The day of your procedure:
Bring government issued picture I.D. (Driver’s License, Passport, Military I.D)
- Make sure you have eaten within 2 hours prior to your procedure.
Do not take Ibuprofen, aspirin or any other pain medications that thins your blood on the morning of your procedure unless medically necessary.
Do not consume caffeine or sugar on the morning of your procedure.
Do not workout the day of your procedure.
It’s a good idea to wash your hair the morning of your appointment. You need to keep your procedure area clean and dry for the duration of the healing process.
If you have a picture of the style and or color of your desired look please feel free to bring that in with you. If you wear your makeup exactly how you want your procedure done, then come in with your makeup done. Otherwise no makeup, please.
Weeks leading up to your procedure:
Do not take fish oil 1 week prior to your procedure. Fish oil has blood-thinning effects.
Do not use any Retin-A or Glycolic Acid products 2 weeks prior to your procedure.
You must be off Accutane for at least 12 months prior to any procedure.
Drink plenty of water for 24 hrs. leading up to your appointment to help hydrate your skin.
The night before your appointment eat a relatively healthy diet. Alcohol should be avoided as it can increase the amount of bleeding that happens. Also, avoid overly processed, salty or sugary foods. Sodium nitrates and sugars can increase inflammation and swelling.
For Eyeliner Clients:
Any false eyelashes or eyelash extensions must be taken off prior to your appointment.
It is imperative that you do not consume caffeine or any other stimulants unless medically necessary on the day of your procedure. The effects of the caffeine stimulates the nerves, making the procedure more painful as well as more likely for the client to twitch or flinch while undergoing the procedure.
It is recommended to take allergy medication (like Claritin or Benadryl) 1 hour before your procedure to help your eyes not to water.
If you wear contact lenses they must be removed prior to your procedure.
If using a product like Latisse for eyelash growth, you must be off the product 8 weeks before your eyeliner appointment and off 2 weeks after.
For Eyebrow Clients:
Do not tweeze, thread or wax your eyebrows 3 days prior to your procedure.
For Lip Clients:
It is imperative that you stop using long-lasting lipsticks or stains 2 weeks prior to your procedure. These types of lipsticks dry out the lips making implanting color more challenging if not impossible. Instead, start exfoliating the lips daily by lightly brushing lips after brushing your teeth or by gently rubbing the lips with a clean, damp washcloth. Begin wearing a moisturizing lip-gloss or balm as often as possible including before going to bed.
If you have ever experienced a cold sore, fever blister, or herpes simplex, you must get a prescription for Valtrex, Zovirax or any other anti-viral medication and use it for at least 3 days prior, the day of, and 3 days after the procedure. Fever blisters can occur with any lip procedure regardless of preventative measures.
Permanent Makeup Aftercare Instructions
First 24 hrs.: Using the aftercare pads given to you, gently wipe your eyebrows every 3 -4 hours.
Day 2–14: Do not get your brows wet! Do not apply anything on your brows until all the scabs have come off.
First 24 hrs.: Using the aftercare pads given to you, gently wipe your eyeliner every 3 -4 hours.
Day 2-10: Do not get your eyeliner wet! Do not apply anything on your eyelids or lashes until all the scabs have come off.
Do wear sunglasses when in the sun for 14 days.
Do not dye, perm, put on lash extensions or use an eyelash curler for 14 days after the procedure.
Day 1 -7: Using the aftercare pads given to you, gently wipe your lips every hour for the first 4 hours. Once you are done with the aftercare pads, apply ointment as often as necessary to keep them moist for the entire healing process.
Only touch the treated area with CLEAN hands.
Do not get the treated area wet during the healing process.
Do not rub, pick, or scrub the epithelial crust that forms. Allow the scabs to flake off on their own. Removing the scabs before they are ready will pull the pigment out.
Do not sweat. This is a hard one but body heat expands the pores and sweat has salt that will prematurely fade, blur, or cause the pigment not to take at all. (This includes not taking hot showers!)
Do not put any makeup, lotion, soap etc. on your procedure.
Stay out of the sun. Once healed use sunblock to prevent fading from the sun.
Do not use a tanning bed for a month after the procedure.
Try not to sleep on your face.
No swimming/hot tub/sauna. Once your procedure has healed it is recommended that you apply Vaseline to the treated areas prior to swimming to prevent the chlorine/salt water from penetrating the area.
Appearance of Eyebrows- Eyebrows will appear darker and bolder due to the initial oxidation of the area and then the appearance of the scabbing. Once the area has fully healed they will look much softer and lighter. When the scabs first come off the pigment will appear lighter in color. After 2 weeks is when you will be able to see your full results. A Touch-up appointment is strongly encouraged to perfect your brows. That is why it is included in your initial payment and must be scheduled between 6-12 weeks after your initial procedure.
Appearance of Eyeliner– Eyeliner will appear darker and thicker than once it heals. Eyes may become swollen, if they do swell, the swelling should be gone in 2 -3 days. They will be the most swollen and crusty the morning after the procedure. You can take Ibuprofen to help reduce swelling as well as apply an ice pack for 10 minutes on 10 minutes off for the 1st 24 hrs. If you have any bruising occur, it should go away after 2-3 days. Touch-ups aren’t always needed with eyeliner but are included in your initial payment and must be scheduled between 6-12 weeks from your initial procedure.
Appearance of Lips- Your lips will be tender and will appear swollen and bright red right after the procedure. The color will fade and soften over the next week and the swelling will subside within 48 hours. Icing your lips will help with the pain and swelling. Be sure not to over ice right after the procedure because your lips are still numb (10 minutes on 10 minutes off). Your lips will start to scab about 24 hours after the procedure and should be done scabbing in about a week. Your lips will turn many shades while healing including turning very pale almost white. This is a normal phase of the healing process and the color will return within 2 weeks. Touch-up appointments are strongly encouraged to perfect your lips. That is why it is included in your initial payment and must be scheduled between 8-12 weeks after your initial procedure.
Giving Blood – The Red Cross suggests that you do not give blood for 12 months following treatment.
MRI Scans – This procedure shows up as an artifact on the scan. Some clients may experience a tingling sensation. Please notify your radiologist.
Laser /Pulsed Light – Laser or pulsed light hair removal or skin rejuvenation treatments can cause color change – it is important to advise the therapist that you have had Permanent Makeup as this cannot be rectified with another procedure.
Touch-up Policy
Initial touch-ups must be scheduled within 1-3 months. Initial touch-ups scheduled between 3-6 months or any additional touch-ups, if needed, up to 6 months after the initial session will be $75.00 per session.